​​VBAC, Twins & Breech Deliveries Welcome!

​Standard Appointments-
* Our first appointment can be as early as 5 weeks
* We will see you once a month until your 30-32nd week
* At this point we will move to every 2 weeks until your 36th week
* And once a week until birth

Standard lab work-
* All lab work will be provided at various points in pregnancy, and performed at the birth center
* Non-routine lab work will be provided upon your specific needs if necessary
***Optional genetic screening at additional cost***

Home Birth:
*If home water birth is desired, we will provide the pool and all accessaries for an additional fee of $200

*You will be required to purchase a home birth kit from InHisHands.com for a fee of around $100

*We bring the rest!

Birth Center Birth:
* Water birth
* Fun, modern environment

* Full kitchen

* Plenty of room for family and friends in our large waiting area
* No mess or clean up in your home!
****There is no additional charge to birth at the facility****

Standard labor and delivery-
* We will work with you to prevent tearing, however in the

event you do require sutures they will be provided to you

​* Daddy has the option to "catch" the baby
* Once baby is born we normally allow the umbilical cord to

 pulse until it shuts down on its own before cutting it, unless otherwise desired.
* Once the cord is cut, mama and baby are allowed some time to nurse and bond

Standard hours following birth-
* Baby will be provided a newborn assessment to ensure

 that everything is in proper condition, as well as length and weight.
* We will work with you and baby on proper nursing if necessary.

* In most cases mama and baby are released 2-3 hours following delivery, to go home

Standard follow-up appointments-
* 2 days following birth mama and baby will have their first check-up and first newborn screening.
* 2 weeks following birth we will meet again for a check up and the second newborn screening.
* 6 weeks following birth we will meet for our final 

appointment where we will check maternal healing,

provide  an optional pap-smear, and record our last assessment of  mama and baby.

All information above is based on normal, uncomplicated, pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum period.  These things may vary according to the specific needs of mother and child

Our Services