Hi, my name is Jordyn Zmolik and I am a licensed midwife at The Bump Birthing Center. I’ve been married to the love of my life since 2013 and we welcomed our son in 2017. My midwifery journey began in 2015 through the Association of Texas Midwives and continued my journey for a year then took a break to care for my son. In 2018 I started back up again and after three years of internship and schooling I became a licensed midwife in the state of Texas in 2020. Pregnancy and childbirth hold such a special place in my heart. Every woman and their journey is unique and I love walking along side each of them and fulfilling their dreams of natural childbirth. Midwifery is truly a passion of mine. I’ve had the honor of attending over 200 births and personally delivering over 80 of those precious babies.
Together my husband and I have 8 children (5 from my body). I had the oldest in 2004 in the local hospital. I was just 20 years old and had never really heard much about midwives so....... I did what everyone else did. It was an easy, un-medicated birth but it didn't feel like the hospital was an appropriate place to give birth. It felt very cold and controlled and un-natural. So, when I found out I was expecting my second child in 2008 I found a midwife! She lived and practiced about 2 hours from me but was still the closest midwife I could find. She changed my life! She was my age, beautiful, educated, experienced, and we grew to be great friends. She helped my Clayton to come along in the comfort of my own home, with 4 year old big sister watching the whole thing. It was such an amazing experience! I knew before she left that night that I was being called to show other women what home birth was all about, so I started my training only 3 weeks later! Here we are, 3 more home births of my own, over 16 years down the road, and 13 years as a licensed midwife. I have attended over 700 births and have had the pleasure of being Primary Midwife to over 500. And, I am still COMPLETELY in love with this crazy-beautiful, midwife life!
Kasie Conger LM, CPM, Owner
Jordyn Zmolik LM, CPM